A New Business in Less Than Six Months

The New Business Setup package prioritizes speed of execution. For every new brand or campaign, essential assets must be built quickly.

With my experience, I can take you from zero to one in the shortest amount of time.

When is this package valuable?

You have an idea, a plan, or even a simple curiosity.

You begin a new business with the intent to create market demand.

You start thinking about lead generation and scaling your sales team.

Logistical timeline


1-3 weeks for understanding your business and 2-4 weeks for implementation.


A New Business Setup can usually be underway within 1-3 weeks, depending on our project pipeline.

Participant Requirements

  • A principal or someone from marketing will need to invest roughly two hours to convey the idea.

  • All principals must complete a 15-minute survey and participate in three 1-hour phone calls.

